Live shopping in the furniture and garden, decoration and home appliances industry

Discovering all the latest decoration tips, new DIY ideas and everything a home appliance can do for us with live shopping from home

Audiovisual content on tips, how-tos, decoration advice and ideas, furniture, home appliances and garden equipment is one of the most popular video categories on the Internet. Whether created by specialised large retail stores, manufacturers of home appliances or even DIY e-learning micro-course platforms, live shopping technology will let you organise live events, demo sessions and shoppable video content so customers have 24/7 access to the product they need for their homes, renovation projects, refurbishments and repairs. If you are engaged in the household product, garden or home appliance industry, our white paper contains everything you need to know about live shopping: from its origins to the most recent data, including the various formats and major success stories.

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