The latest trends in ecommerce to watch out for

Although many changes are happening in the industry, below are the best upcoming trends in ecommerce you can leverage to find new audiences, build a loyal customer base, and stay ahead of the competition.

Ecommerce is an ever-changing industry with fierce competition. More businesses than ever are selling online, so it’s crucial for business owners to be aware of trends in ecommerce to grow their brands and attract consumers.

Although online shopping was booming before the Covid-19 pandemic, the global crisis pushed the industry to a new level of digitisation. And customers are adapting. They are embracing new technologies as soon as they are released.

To be successful, companies need to keep up with consumer and technology trends. Here are the most current trends in ecommerce to be aware of.

1. Going green and local

Long before Covid-19, people were worried about the environment and climate change. But the pandemic highlighted problems with trends in ecommerce in particular. Online sales boomed, and people began talking more about ecommerce’s carbon footprint. And what’s more is that Amazon reached an all-time profit high as small businesses closed their doors.

These problems, combined with the skyrocketing wealth of the world’s richest people, have made consumers more likely to buy local or from ethical, sustainable companies. People want to back independent business owners and do their part to help.

This means they are more open than ever to businesses that prioritise social justice or green initiatives, even if it costs more. And if they can’t buy from local or independent sources, they are choosing companies with transparent values.

2. Building authentic connections

One of the next biggest trends in ecommerce is interaction. During the pandemic, people were forced to spend a lot of time at home, often isolated from friends and family. They began to prioritise true connections and crave authentic communication. They want to be part of a community and a cause, and they are tired of being bombarded with scripted advertisements that make them feel unseen and unimportant.

Businesses that value community and differentiate themselves from their competitors are going to see bigger profits than those that don’t. It’s more important than ever to connect with your customers and make them feel part of a unique, important group. Features like personalised recommendations, live shopping, and brand interaction are becoming standard trends in ecommerce, and consumers are loving it.

Live stream shopping

Related to connection, one of the new trends in ecommerce is live shopping.* It lets businesses explain their products in detail during live videos, and customers can ask questions and connect with reps and other customers.

It’s an interactive experience that’s like being in a physical store. Ecommerce businesses, ranging from the best known to new, independent companies, are finding huge success with live shopping.

3. Social media ecommerce

Although people are talking about wanting authenticity and connection, they’re not leaving behind their phones and social media accounts. In fact, social media and mobile phone use are higher than ever.

Trends in ecommerce have been quick to follow this pattern. Almost all the big social media platforms – including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and Snapchat – are already involved in ecommerce, whether with live shopping videos, in-app checkouts, or augmented reality shopping.

Tips to capitalize on trends in ecommerce

What specific actions can you take? Here are the top 3 ways to stay ahead of the competition.

1. Refine your brand and values

Now is the perfect time to think about your company’s values. Consumers want to shop from businesses that genuinely care about the environment and their workers. Whether it’s recyclable packaging, reducing carbon emissions, paying fair wages, promoting diversity, or partnering with eco-friendly organizations, becoming a leader of a worthy cause can win you an audience.

But what if your product or company is difficult to connect with lofty values? Establish traditions to solidify your company culture. Brands that incorporate rituals or habits into their brand generate a loyal following.

By sticking to your brand values, you will set yourself apart from your competitors, and your customers will reward you with loyalty and word-of-mouth advertising. And the most important benefit is that you can run your company successfully while following your beliefs that matter to you.

2. Offer interactive, personalized experiences

Just as supporting a cause makes people feel good, being part of a community makes them feel important. People are craving connection, and personalisation does not mean including their name in a mass email.

Talk to your customers. Give them personalised recommendations. Offer them ways to connect with the company and fellow customers. Wondering how you can do this when so much of the shopping experience is online?

Live stream shopping is one of the most successful new trends in ecommerce. It gives you the chance to explain your products in detail while interacting with customers, and it can be fun and creative, too. You can tailor it to work well with your product.

  • Host online events, flash sales, and behind-the-scene sessions.
  • Offer live limited-time promotions, games, and prizes.
  • Invite participants to contribute.
  • Run focus groups around particular products or topics.

Another way to personalise experiences is to offer special features for loyal customers. Provide members-only spaces, loyalty discounts, subscription offers, and referral programmes. These types of offers tell consumers that you appreciate and understand them.

3. Invest in social media platforms that follow trends in ecommerce

Customers like to be seen and heard, and social media can be used for a lot more than running ads and gathering followers. You can use it for customer service, building brand awareness, selling products, and learning how your brand is perceived.

Find out where your customers spend their time, and research the features available. Options such as live stream videos, augmented reality recommendations, product visualisation, and in-app payments are becoming commonplace, and customers are expecting their favourite brands to be on board.

Ready to get started?

If you are interested in keeping up with trends in ecommerce, work with companies that are on the cutting edge of the industry. They know the ins and outs of ecommerce trends and technology, and they can show you how to connect with customers and showcase your values.

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