Hello World

Behind every business is a story. A story of passion, of dreams, of risks, of sacrifices, and of determination. It’s these stories that create genuine wealth in the form of progress as individuals and as a society.

Often these stories are written by courageous individuals, who dare to leave behind the security of a “regular” job, to pursue their own path, to operate well outside of their comfort zone. An individual who took a deep breath, closed their eyes, risked their reputation and financial security to do something they were truly passionate about.

That courage and bravery has given us products, memories or experiences that we hold dear for a lifetime –  a piece of furniture that makes a home unique, the best coffee in town to kick off the day, that bread that smells of your childhood, books that touch your soul, paintings that fill you with wonder….

And so we are excited to announce that we are launching a new way of connecting these unique, purposeful brands with inspired and curious customers. In a world in which algorithms make so many daily assumptions about our preferences and intentions, we are bringing a service to the market that puts a voice and a face to a brand, enabling them to connect, engage, entertain and sell in real time.

This service is called onlive.site

Our ambition is to help every cool brand, awesome creator, or brilliant artist get themselves in front of relevant, highly engaged audiences, enabling them to shine by sharing their passion amongst a genuine customer base at scale.

We are in the midst of preparing for our alpha launch in January, and are calling for those brands, merchants and manufacturers who would like to start connecting with customers in a live, dynamic, social environment.  If interested, please get in touch via email [email protected] or our website: https://onlive.site


Founder & CEO… and liveshopping freak

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