July 3, 2024,CEST

Why Every Brand Needs a Video Marketing Strategy

For marketing managers everywhere, video has become a cornerstone of effective marketing strategies. More people are watching videos online than ever before, transforming how brands connect with their audiences. This shift towards video-first content is not just a trend—it's a fundamental change in how information is consumed and shared.

Consider this: 85% of internet users in the U.S. watch online videos every month. This surge in video consumption means that brands must adapt or risk being left behind. Video can quickly explain complex topics and hold viewers' attention in ways that text simply cannot.

Incorporating video into your marketing strategy is no longer optional; it's essential. Videos boost engagement, improve search engine rankings, and drive conversions. For brands looking to stay relevant and competitive, video marketing is a powerful tool that cannot be ignored.

The Rise of Video in Digital Marketing

Video consumption has skyrocketed in recent years. According to a report by Statista, the average internet user spends 19 hours a week watching online videos. This is a significant increase from previous years and shows no signs of slowing down.

This surge in video consumption highlights the importance of video in engaging audiences. Videos capture attention quickly and hold it longer than other forms of content. For instance, studies show that viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to just 10% when reading it in text.

The power of video extends beyond just holding attention. It also drives higher engagement on social media platforms. Video posts on Facebook, for example, have 135% greater organic reach than photo posts. Additionally, social video generates 1200% more shares than text and images combined.

Search engines also favor video content. Websites with videos are 53% more likely to appear on the first page of Google search results. This preference boosts visibility and increases organic traffic. Marketers who incorporate video content see a 250% increase in organic traffic on their websites.

The rise of video is transforming digital marketing. It’s not just a trend but a vital tool for engaging audiences, boosting visibility, and driving conversions. As video continues to dominate online content, brands must embrace it to stay competitive and relevant.

Why Videos Are More Engaging

Videos combine visual and auditory elements, making information easier to digest. This combination appeals to multiple senses, capturing attention more effectively than text or images alone. The dynamic nature of video content keeps viewers interested and helps them retain information longer.

Explaining Complex Subjects Easily

A video tutorial can explain a complex subject, such as changing a flat tire, in a way that is easy to understand and follow. A two-minute video can convey the same information as several pages of text but in a more engaging and memorable manner. Viewers can see the process step-by-step and hear the instructions, making the learning experience more effective.

Boosting Engagement with Live Streams and Webinars

Live streams and webinars take engagement a step further by allowing real-time interaction with the audience. These formats provide a platform for viewers to ask questions, give feedback, and participate in discussions as the event unfolds. This real-time engagement creates a sense of connection and immediacy, making viewers feel more involved and valued.

Live streaming platforms enable brands to reach large audiences instantly. For example, a company can host a live shopping event, allowing customers to interact directly with brand representatives. Webinars offer a more structured format for presenting in-depth information and can be used for product demonstrations, educational sessions, or industry discussions.

Videos Do Well on Social Media

Videos have a unique ability to capture attention and engage viewers on social media. They are more likely to be shared, liked, and commented on, which helps boost your brand’s visibility. This increased engagement can lead to a broader audience and greater brand recognition.

Creative video content has proven to be highly effective. For instance, Blendtec’s "Will It Blend?" series, where the company blends unusual items, gained millions of views and significantly boosted brand awareness. Similarly, Old Spice's "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" campaign became an internet sensation, leading to increased sales and brand recognition.

Posting videos on social media captures attention quickly and encourages interaction. This helps your brand stand out in a crowded digital space and reach a wider audience, as social media platforms tend to prioritize video content, increasing the visibility of your posts.

Search Engines and Videos: A Love Story

Boosting SEO 

Videos are a powerful tool for boosting SEO. Search engines favor content that engages users, and videos do just that. When websites feature videos, they tend to rank higher on search engine results pages. This is because videos increase dwell time—the amount of time visitors spend on your site—and reduce bounce rates. Users are more likely to stay and watch a video, which signals to search engines that your content is valuable and relevant.


Including videos on your website can significantly increase organic traffic. Websites with video content are more likely to appear on the first page of search results, attracting more visitors. For example, adding product demonstration videos can help potential customers understand your offerings better, leading to higher engagement and longer site visits.

High ROI with Video Marketing


Video marketing offers a high return on investment. One reason for this is the cost-effectiveness of video production. With advances in technology, creating high-quality videos has become more accessible and affordable. Smartphones and simple editing tools are often enough to produce professional-looking videos.

Successful Examples 

Numerous brands have experienced high ROI through video marketing. For instance, Dollar Shave Club's humorous and engaging launch video cost around $4,500 to produce but brought in 12,000 new customers in the first 48 hours. This example illustrates how even a modest investment in video marketing can lead to substantial returns.

Videos Increase Conversions and Sales

Boosting Conversions 

Videos are highly effective in boosting conversions and sales. They provide a dynamic way to showcase products and services, making it easier for potential customers to understand their value. Product demos and customer testimonials are particularly powerful types of video content. They offer clear, relatable insights that help build trust and persuade viewers to make a purchase.

Effective Video Types 

Different types of videos can serve various purposes in your marketing strategy. Tutorial videos, for example, can educate your audience on how to use your products effectively, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Animated explainer videos can break down complex ideas into easily digestible content, making them ideal for showcasing unique selling points. Behind-the-scenes videos can humanize your brand, giving viewers a glimpse into your company culture and building a stronger connection with your audience.

Live Streaming: A Powerful Tool in Video Marketing

Live streaming has become an essential part of any video marketing strategy, offering numerous benefits for brands aiming to engage their audiences in real-time. It allows direct interaction with viewers, creating a sense of immediacy and personal connection that pre-recorded videos can't match. Brands can showcase products, answer questions, and get instant feedback, making the customer experience more interactive and engaging.

ONLIVE.SITE's Live Shopping Solution

ONLIVE.SITE’s Live Shopping is a prime example of the power of live streaming in video marketing. This service allows brands to host live or pre-recorded shopping events directly from their website and restream them on social media platforms. Live Shopping transforms the traditional shopping experience by integrating interactive elements like live chats, real-time product demonstrations, and instant purchasing options.

During these live events, viewers can see products in action, ask questions, and make purchases instantly. This immediacy drives higher engagement and boosts conversion rates. The interactive nature of Live Shopping also helps build trust and authenticity, as customers feel more connected to the brand.

Several brands have successfully used ONLIVE.SITE’s Live Shopping Service. For example, Remescar hosted a live shopping event demonstrating their skincare products, leading to a significant increase in sales and customer engagement. Similarly, Leroy Merlin showcased their home improvement products through live shopping, resulting in higher conversion rates and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Advantages of Using ONLIVE.SITE

Using ONLIVE.SITE for live streaming offers several benefits:

  • Enhanced User Experience: Interactive features like live chats, surveys, and real-time feedback make the shopping experience more engaging.
  • Increased Brand Engagement: Live events foster a deeper connection with the audience, leading to higher engagement and loyalty.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: Seeing products live and asking questions helps customers make informed purchasing decisions.
  • Advanced Analytics: ONLIVE.SITE provides detailed metrics on audience behavior, engagement, and conversion, allowing for data-driven decision-making.
  • Seamless Integration: The platform integrates smoothly with your website and social media channels, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Incorporating live streaming into your video marketing strategy, especially with a platform like ONLIVE.SITE, can significantly enhance customer interactions, drive higher engagement, and boost sales. Live streaming isn't just a trend—it's a vital component of a comprehensive video marketing strategy that every brand should consider

People Want Video

People are increasingly turning to live streaming as their preferred form of content. Studies show that at least 75 percent of viewers favor video over text, with many preferring live streaming over on-demand video. This trend is evident across social media and other digital platforms.

Globally, about 25 percent of viewing time is spent on live streaming versus on-demand videos. Live content typically holds viewers' attention for about 10 minutes longer per session than recorded videos. During the pandemic, live streaming viewership more than doubled, and this growth has continued at a rate of 10 to 15 percent per year.

The potential of live streaming in marketing is immense, with projections indicating it could generate over $130 billion in sales within the next few years. Consumers are up to 60 percent more likely to make purchases after watching live marketing videos compared to traditional ads or written content.

Live streaming is effective because it showcases products, their uses, and their value in real-time. It also allows for direct interaction between consumers and companies, enabling immediate questions and answers about products and services. The bandwagon effect also plays a significant role; live events create a sense of urgency and community that pre-recorded content can't match.

Incorporating Live Streaming into Your Marketing Strategy

Incorporating live streaming into your marketing strategy can be a game-changer. It allows your brand to connect with customers and prospects in a direct and engaging way. As live streaming continues to grow in popularity, it presents an opportunity for brands to stand out and meet the expectations of their target audience.

Several marketing solutions are available, but live streaming is at the forefront. It’s an effective way for your brand to connect with customers and prospects, offering a real-time, interactive experience that resonates with today's audience. Embracing live streaming as part of your video marketing strategy can help your brand build stronger relationships with customers, drive higher engagement, and boost sales.


Incorporating video into your marketing strategy is essential for staying competitive in today's market. Videos boost engagement, improve search engine rankings, and drive conversions. With the rise of video consumption, brands must adapt to capture attention and foster connections. Live streaming, particularly through platforms like ONLIVE.SITE, offers real-time interaction, enhancing customer engagement and driving sales. By embracing video and live streaming, brands can meet audience expectations, build stronger relationships, and achieve significant growth. Video marketing is no longer optional; it's a vital tool for modern marketing success.