June 27, 2024,CEST

Navigating the Shift from Third-Party Data to First-Party Data

The online world, and especially the digital marketing world, is changing as major browsers like Google Chrome, Safari, and Firefox phase out third-party cookies. These cookies have long helped marketers track user behavior and target ads. However, growing privacy concerns and new data protection laws are driving this shift.

First-party data, collected directly from your website, app, or social media, is now more important than ever. This data is more accurate and reliable, and it respects user privacy. By using first-party data, marketers can build trust, personalize content, and engage users more effectively. This transition offers a chance to create better and more ethical marketing practices.

Understanding the Deprecation of Third-Party Cookies

What Are Third-Party Cookies and Their Historical Use?

Third-party cookies are small pieces of data that websites place on your device to track your behavior across different sites. Advertisers have used these cookies for years to gather information about user preferences, allowing them to deliver targeted ads. This tracking helped create personalized user experiences and measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

Privacy Concerns and Regulations Driving the Change

Over time, the extensive tracking capabilities of third-party cookies raised significant privacy concerns. Users began to worry about their data being collected and shared without their explicit consent. In response to these concerns, governments introduced regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States. These laws aim to give users more control over their personal data and how it's used, making the continued use of third-party cookies increasingly problematic.

Impact of Browser Changes on Third-Party Cookies

To address these privacy issues, major web browsers have started to phase out third-party cookies. Safari and Firefox took early steps to block these cookies by default, significantly reducing the ability of advertisers to track users across different sites. Google Chrome, the most widely used browser, announced it would join this effort and phase out third-party cookies by 2024. This move by Chrome has a particularly large impact given its dominant market share.

These browser changes signal a shift towards more privacy-focused online interactions. As third-party cookies become obsolete, marketers must adapt by finding new ways to gather and use data that respect user privacy. This transition emphasizes the need for first-party data, which is collected directly from user interactions with a brand’s own digital properties, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations and fostering trust with consumers.

The Value of First-Party Data

First-party data is information collected directly from your audience through interactions with your website, app, or social media channels. Unlike third-party data, which comes from external sources, first-party data is gathered straight from your users. This makes it more accurate and reliable. Since users provide this data willingly, it aligns with privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA, ensuring compliance and building user trust.

Importance of Direct Customer Engagement and Consent

Engaging directly with your customers to collect data has several advantages. When users share their information willingly, they are more likely to trust your brand. This trust allows for better personalization of content and services, leading to improved user experiences. Direct engagement also means that you can collect specific data that is most relevant to your business needs, providing deeper insights into user preferences and behaviors.

Obtaining user consent is crucial. It not only complies with privacy laws but also shows respect for your users’ privacy. When customers know how their data will be used and agree to it, they are more comfortable and engaged with your brand. This consent-driven approach strengthens customer relationships and enhances the effectiveness of your marketing strategies.

Strategies for Transitioning to First-Party Data

Conduct Data Audits

Start by conducting data audits to understand your current reliance on third-party cookies. Review what data you collect, how you use it, and identify where you depend on third-party sources. This will help you find gaps and opportunities to replace third-party data with first-party data. Regular audits ensure that your data practices remain aligned with privacy regulations and evolving industry standards.

Improve Data Collection Methods

To gather first-party data effectively, use various direct data collection methods:

  • Forms and Surveys: Implement these on your website or app to gather specific information about user preferences and behaviors.

  • Feedback Channels: Use feedback forms, comments, and social media interactions to gain insights directly from your audience. Interactive elements like quizzes and polls can also engage users while collecting valuable data.

Enhance User Experience

Make it easy and rewarding for users to share their data by improving their experience on your digital platforms:

  • Usability: Ensure your website and apps are user-friendly and intuitive, with clear calls to action for data sharing.

  • Engagement: Provide engaging content and interactive features that encourage users to provide their information. Transparency about how you will use their data can build trust and prompt users to share more willingly.

Develop Loyalty Programs

Encourage data sharing by creating loyalty programs that reward users for their engagement:

  • Rewards and Incentives: Offer points, discounts, or exclusive content in exchange for user data. This not only motivates users to share their information but also fosters repeat business and deeper customer loyalty.

  • Personalized Offers: Use the data collected through these programs to tailor offers and recommendations to individual users, enhancing their overall experience and engagement with your brand.

Implementing First-Party Data Technology

Invest in CRM Systems

Investing in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems is important for managing and analyzing first-party data. CRM systems allow you to:

  • Centralize Data: Gather all customer data in one place, providing a complete view of each user’s interactions with your brand.

  • Analyze Behavior: Use the data to understand customer behavior, preferences, and purchase history.

  • Segment Audiences: Create detailed customer segments for targeted marketing campaigns.

Explore Third-Party Tools for Seamless Data Integration

While focusing on first-party data, leveraging third-party tools can help integrate and maximize your data:

  • Data Integration Platforms: Use tools like Hightouch, Persio, or SAS Customer Intelligence to integrate first-party data across various marketing platforms.

  • Secure Data Transfer: Ensure these tools provide secure methods for transferring customer segments into advertising platforms, such as Google Ads and Meta, using privacy-compliant techniques like hashed email addresses.

Practical Applications of First-Party Data

Customer Segmentation

First-party data allows you to create detailed customer segments for more targeted advertising campaigns. By analyzing the data collected directly from your users, you can:

  • Identify Preferences: Understand what products or services different segments prefer.

  • Tailor Messages: Customize marketing messages to resonate with each segment's specific interests and needs.

  • Improve Targeting: Increase the effectiveness of your ads by targeting the right audience with the right message at the right time.

Ad Suppression

Ad suppression is another powerful application of first-party data. By knowing which products or services your customers have already purchased, you can:

  • Avoid Redundancy: Prevent showing ads for products that customers have already bought.

  • Enhance Relevance: Focus on promoting complementary products or services that add value to the customer’s previous purchase.

  • Improve User Experience: Reduce ad fatigue and enhance the overall user experience by only showing relevant ads.

Predictive Modeling

First-party data is invaluable for predictive modeling, which helps identify potential churn or upsell opportunities. By leveraging predictive analytics, you can:

  • Forecast Behavior: Predict future actions of your customers based on their past interactions and purchase history.

  • Identify Risks: Spot early signs of potential churn and implement retention strategies to keep customers engaged.

  • Uncover Opportunities: Recognize upsell and cross-sell opportunities by understanding customer needs and preferences.

Enhancing Ecommerce with ONLIVE.SITE’s First-Party Data Solutions

ONLIVE.SITE is a leading live commerce company that specializes in providing innovative video commerce solutions. As a platform, ONLIVE.SITE leverages first-party data to enhance the digital marketing strategies of its clients, offering insights that drive personalization, retention, and customer understanding.

Customer Understanding

First-party data provides crucial insights into customer behavior, preferences, and interactions with a brand. ONLIVE.SITE enables brands to harness this data effectively. By analyzing data from all sales and marketing interactions, brands using ONLIVE.SITE gain comprehensive insights into engagement levels, audience preferences, purchase intentions, and more. The detailed analytics dashboard provided by ONLIVE.SITE allows businesses to tailor their products, services, and marketing strategies to meet the specific needs of their audience, giving them a competitive edge in the market.



One of the key applications of first-party data is in personalizing customer experiences. ONLIVE.SITE excels in this area by allowing brands to customize content, offers, and recommendations based on individual customer data. This personalized approach enhances customer satisfaction and increases the likelihood of conversion. ONLIVE.SITE's platform integrates video into email marketing strategies, enabling marketing teams to share personalized video content that highlights deals, promotions, and limited-time offers. Given that video can boost click rates by up to 300%, this feature significantly enhances marketing effectiveness.

Retention Strategies

First-party data is vital for customer retention efforts. ONLIVE.SITE helps brands analyze customer behavior and preferences to implement effective retention strategies. This includes creating loyalty programs, sending personalized communications, and offering exclusive deals to keep customers engaged and loyal. During live shopping events and shoppable videos, brands can use ONLIVE.SITE to set discounts, offer promotions, and showcase products, fostering a deeper connection with their audience and encouraging repeat business.


The shift from third-party cookies to first-party data is reshaping digital marketing. As browsers phase out third-party cookies, marketers need new methods that prioritize user privacy. First-party data, collected directly from websites, apps, and social media, is more accurate and reliable. It respects privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA, helping build trust and enabling better personalization and user engagement.

ONLIVE.SITE exemplifies the benefits of first-party data. The platform provides detailed analytics and personalized video content, helping brands understand and engage their customers, improve marketing strategies, and foster loyalty. Embracing first-party data not only ensures compliance with privacy regulations but also enhances customer experiences, setting the stage for more ethical and effective marketing practices.