May 8, 2024,CEST

The Impact of 5G on Live Streaming and eCommerce

The deployment of 5G technology marks a transformative era in digital communication, reshaping the landscapes of e-commerce and live streaming. This next-generation cellular technology brings faster speeds, dramatically reduced latency, and unmatched connectivity that promise not just to evolve but to transform how we shop and interact online. With the capacity to accelerate shopping experiences for users and provide businesses with enhanced tools to improve customer satisfaction, this transformative technology significantly advances the state of e-commerce.

Understanding 5G Technology

5G represents the fifth generation of mobile network technology, following 4G. With its launch, it establishes new benchmarks for speed, connectivity, and efficiency, bringing transformative potential to various sectors, including e-commerce and healthcare. Here is a detailed exploration of the fundamental aspects of 5G technology that mark it as a crucial innovation in modern telecommunications.

Key Features of 5G

  • Higher Speeds: 5G networks dramatically increase speeds, peaking at up to 20 gigabits per second (Gbps) under ideal conditions. This advancement from 4G's 1 Gbps allows for nearly instantaneous completion of data-intensive tasks such as downloading large files and streaming high-definition videos.

  • Reduced Latency: Latency is significantly reduced in 5G networks, dropping to as little as one millisecond compared to 50 milliseconds typically seen in 4G. This enhancement is vital for applications needing immediate response, such as live shopping, autonomous driving, real-time remote control of machinery, and seamless interactive gaming.

  • Increased Connectivity: 5G supports up to a million devices per square kilometer, far exceeding 4G's capability of approximately 100,000 devices. This increase is essential in densely populated areas and crucial for the expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT), where numerous devices require reliable connectivity simultaneously.

  • Enhanced Bandwidth: 5G offers greater bandwidth, facilitating the transmission of larger amounts of data. This supports broader adoption of virtual and augmented reality, provides the infrastructure for smart city technologies, and enables complex cloud-based applications.

Elevating E-Commerce to New Heights with 5G Technology

Faster Load Times and Increased Conversions

5G’s ability to enhance website performance is pivotal. With average download speeds expected to be about 10 times faster than 4G—ranging from 50Mbps to over 1Gbps—5G dramatically decreases page loading times. According to Google, a delay of just a second in mobile load times can impact conversion rates by up to 20%. Therefore, the increased speed of 5G not only enhances user satisfaction but also directly influences the bottom line for e-commerce businesses.

Improved User Experience through Reduced Latency

Latency, or the time it takes for data to travel between its source and destination, significantly drops in a 5G network—from 50 milliseconds in 4G to as low as 1 millisecond. This improvement means that all interactions on a retail site, from clicking a link to loading a new page, become nearly instantaneous. For live product demos or auctions, this can mean the difference between a sale and a lost customer due to frustration with lag.

Transforming Mobile Commerce

Mobile commerce benefits immensely from 5G. Statista reports that mobile commerce is expected to reach $3.56 trillion in 2021, growing 22.3% year over year. The enhanced capabilities of 5G to handle higher data volumes with greater stability improve the reliability and speed of mobile shopping experiences, critical factors in customer retention and satisfaction.

Expanding Interactive and Immersive Experiences

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

With 5G, e-commerce platforms can integrate AR and VR to provide immersive experiences that were previously limited by technology constraints. For example, AR can allow shoppers to see how a piece of furniture would look in their living room or how a watch might fit on their wrist. Verizon reports that AR improves conversion rates by as much as 90% for some brands, as it helps overcome the hesitation associated with online shopping.

Live Streaming and Real-Time Interactions

Live streaming is greatly enhanced by 5G. The ability to broadcast high-quality video without interruption is crucial during live events or product launches. This capability ensures that viewers receive a continuous and engaging experience that could translate into direct sales, with platforms reporting up to a 30% increase in conversion rates during live sessions.

Boosting Video Commerce with 5G: Onlive.Site's Strategic Edge

The introduction of 5G technology brings substantial improvements to video commerce, especially for platforms like Onlive.Site, which excel in live video sales, customer support, and interactive content. This advanced network promises to redefine how brands engage with customers using Onlive.Site’s state-of-the-art services.

Supercharging Live Shopping and Enhancing Customer Interactions

5G’s remarkable speed and lower latency perfectly complement Onlive.Site’s live shopping capabilities, allowing brands to host real-time sales events on their websites. For some of our clients such as Remescar and Leroy Merlin, 5G ensures smoother, interruption-free live streams, making product demonstrations more engaging and interactive. This immediacy supports real-time interactions, enabling consumers to ask questions and receive instant responses, greatly enhancing the shopping experience and possibly increasing conversion rates.

Onlive.Site’s one-to-one video call feature benefits significantly from 5G’s minimal latency, offering a more dynamic and engaging customer service experience. For clients like Skoda and Epson, this translates into improved direct communication with consumers, providing seamless service that enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Revolutionizing Content with Branded TV Channels and Immersive 3D Streaming

Onlive.Site’s Branded TV Channel feature provides a unified platform for all video content, including live shows and shoppable videos, enriched with interactive elements. With 5G, channels maintained for companies such as Vodafone can broadcast high-definition content consistently and reliably, keeping viewers engaged without the annoyance of delays or compromised quality.

Additionally, the substantial bandwidth and high data transfer capabilities of 5G enable Onlive.Site to offer immersive 3D streaming with remarkable detail and realism. This is particularly beneficial for clients like Clikalia, who use 3D experiences to enhance online property viewings, offering potential buyers a realistic tour without needing physical visits. The scalability and cost-effectiveness of 5G make these sophisticated features more attainable and influential, leading to improved conversion rates through superior visual engagement.

Improved Security and Efficiency

Enhanced Security Measures

5G networks introduce advanced encryption and more sophisticated identity management solutions that enhance the security of online transactions. Enhanced security is vital, as e-commerce fraud cost retailers approximately $20 billion in 2021 alone. By providing robust security measures, 5G helps mitigate these risks, building consumer trust and encouraging more online transactions.

Streamlined Operations and Cost Efficiency

The improved data handling capabilities of 5G also streamline back-end operations such as inventory management and logistics. Real-time data processing enables more accurate stock levels and faster response times, reducing overstocks or stockouts. Furthermore, improved connectivity can reduce the costs associated with downtime or delayed communications across the supply chain.

Future of E-Commerce and 5G Technology

The rollout of 5G technology promises a substantial transformation in the e-commerce industry, bringing more dynamic, personalized, and seamless shopping experiences. Here's an exploration of how 5G could reshape various aspects of online shopping.

Elevating Social Commerce and Interactive Shopping

5G is poised to enhance the integration of live streaming and social commerce, making these interactions highly interactive. For instance, features similar to Google Lens enable shoppers to photograph products and instantly search for them online. With 5G, e-commerce platforms can further exploit this technology, enhancing user engagement by enabling more intuitive interactions with instant visual searches.

Moreover, 5G blurs the lines between social media and e-commerce platforms, creating a more engaging, community-oriented shopping environment. This integration encourages dynamic interactions, allowing consumers to shop within a social context and thereby enriching the shopping experience.

Pioneering "Everything as a Service" (EaaS) Models

The rise of "Everything as a Service" (EaaS) models is facilitated by 5G's ability to handle real-time data and connect a multitude of devices simultaneously. This capability allows e-commerce businesses to adopt more flexible usage-based pricing models. For example, businesses could offer rentals of high-end electronics or luxury fashion, moving toward a more service-based economy.

Powering AI for Enhanced Personalization and Dynamic Pricing

5G supports advanced AI capabilities, enabling real-time, personalized shopping assistance and dynamic pricing. AI-powered chatbots can analyze customer preferences and behaviors to offer tailored product recommendations and shopping advice. Furthermore, the rapid processing capabilities of 5G allow for real-time market analysis, enabling e-commerce platforms to adjust prices dynamically, optimizing costs for consumers and profits for retailers.

Exploring the "Sensory Web"

Although still in early development, the concept of a "Sensory Web" suggests a future where online shopping could match the sensory richness of in-store experiences. Imagine being able to smell perfumes or feel fabric textures through digital devices. Companies are exploring technologies that could broadcast sensory data and promise to use 5G to bring these experiences to life, enhancing the realism of virtual shopping.


The integration of 5G into live streaming and e-commerce offers extensive benefits, enabling technologies like AR, VR, and real-time data processing that elevate the consumer experience and streamline business operations. For Onlive.Site, 5G is not just a technology upgrade—it is a pivotal enhancement that propels our offerings to the forefront of digital commerce innovation. As 5G continues to evolve and become more accessible, its impact on the e-commerce and live streaming sectors is expected to grow, reshaping these industries in unprecedented ways.